Contractors who clean up mold damage can depend on Flash AF mold stain eliminator. Get rid of stains more efficiently by bringing this trusty sidekick to the scene of an infestation.

What Are the Powers of Flash AF?
Lesser cleaners may not target the causes of fungus staining as precisely as Flash AF. This stain cleaner works on all of the following levels to eliminate signs of staining:

Clears away surface staining
Targets embedded stains
Stays on the substrate

This powerful product is sold directly by the manufacturer. Over 30 years of restoration experience give Avenger Formulas a competitive edge in making effective stain treatments available to contractors for an affordable price. After witnessing the effectiveness of Flash AF in action, a contractor can save even more money and time by buying this cleaner in bulk.

How Does Flash AF Stand Out?
Flash AF mold stain eliminator works faster with less labor than other stain cleaners. This product is also formulated to reduce bleach odor. Every gallon of this full-strength cleaner can clean up to 300 square feet of stained materials such as fiberglass, composite, concrete, wood, vinyl, tile and stucco.

Why Can You Count on Flash AF?
The best mold stain cleaning sidekick will work reliably, even in cold weather. Flash AF is proven to work at lower temperatures than competing cleaners and works faster under most conditions. Contractors can also depend on the formula strength to remain consistent for the duration of the recommended shelf life.

Any contractor can banish stains in less time with Flash AF. This proprietary formula clears stains in seconds and does not require blasting with dry ice or media, sanding or scrubbing. A contractor who arrives at a residence or commercial building with this mold stain eliminator in tow can clean stains more effectively than ever before.